Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sick Day...What to do?

Well, it looks like a little bug has entered the Jones household!  I'm so thankful it's nothing serious, but it is still no fun to be under the weather.  

I try to make sure we don't spend a lot of time watching TV at home, but when we are sick...anything goes!  I tried to make TV time a little more educational since G missed school.  I remembered that I bought Preschool Prep DVDs on Zulily last year and still haven't used them.  Time to pull them out!
Simple is best when you're sick, so we kept it pretty simple.  G picked the numbers DVD so I grabbed a number puzzle from his room and we just matched the puzzle pieces as each number came on the DVD.  He had a good time and talked about the number zero for the rest of the day! A quick and easy learning activity is perfect for a sick day at home!

And, Kynlee enjoyed playing in her jumparoo for the first time while we matched our numbers!  Couldn't you just eat her up?!?

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