Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Bittersweet Goodbye

The past few weeks have been a little crazy!  We put our house on the market, had multiple showings (with 2 little ones), sold our house, put a contract on another home and moved out all in less than 2 months time!  Needless to say...

We are moving closer to our church home where a lot of our friends and their kiddos live.  So, while we are sad to leave a home that we love, we are excited to move close to friends we love!

It is definitely a bittersweet goodbye.  Jared and I built this home together when we were still newlyweds and we brought all of our sweet babies home here (gotta include the fur-babies).  There are many memories in this home, but there will be many more memories in our new home.  

Farewell, Jones' Home 2007-2014!
We are currently in-between homes, but lucky enough that we have a mansion house available for us to stay in for the time being.  We have had a great time swimming, feeding the ducks, watching the cows, riding tricycles, and talking to the horses for the past couple days.  Grayson might not want to leave in a couple weeks!  

Unfortunately, I don't have an internet connection in this house, so I won't be able to blog or update as much as I would like.  I will be working the best I can during naptime getting my preschool and homework products completed!  

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