Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How Clouds Make Rain {A Simple Science Experiment}

Texas has been blessed with a lot of rain this week...even though I would MUCH rather see the sun!  So, Monday when we spent our first day of Spring Break in the house we did an experiment together to find out how clouds make rain.  I love this super easy weather experiment and had all the ingredients in the house!
First, I filled a mason jar up to the top with water and grabbed my blue food coloring and shaving cream

Then, I put a dollop of shaving cream on the table for Grayson and Kynlee.  I told Grayson that we are using this to represent something in the sky and asked him to think what it could be.  We went to the window and after a great guess of snow, he said clouds.
Next, we put the shaving cream on top of the water to represent a cloud.  

We talked about how water droplets and ice crystals are up high in the sky on the clouds and sometimes they collect and get too heavy that the cloud can't hold them up anymore.  I then asked Grayson what he thinks would happen next?  And he continued to answer that they would fall down.
So, we tested out little man's theory by placing drops of food coloring on top of the shaving cream.  

Pretty soon the drops traveled through the shaving cream and into the water to make rain.  Grayson was so excited to find out the he guessed correctly and that the cloud really do make rain!  
Of course, right after completing our nifty experiment, we began singing "Rain, Rain Go Away" together without much luck!  I hope that you and your little learners enjoy this simple science experiment the next time a rainy day shows up in your forecast!

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