Monday, April 13, 2015

He Has Risen: Interactive Bible Craft

This past week we reviewed Jesus' death, burial and resurrection in our Bible class, here's what we did...
{ARRIVAL}  We started class just like every week, the first 8-10 minutes of class the children come in and play with toys that are laid out on the table. It is a great time to reinforce how God wants us to treat our friends. It also gives me time to talk to the little ones about their day, welcome visitors and finish up prepping any materials (I cut paper plates in half and attached the "He has risen" circle to the plates during this time).
{INTRODUCTION} We then met on the carpet to discuss why we come to Bible class and sing and talk about our bibles.  We open our class praying together by having a circle prayer.  We continued to discuss things that we pray for (family, thanks, help, etc.)  I told the children that we were going to be reading two stories during our class and that the first story was going to be very sad, but the next story was going to be very happy.  

{LESSON PART 1} We read the first story of our class time which was Jesus' arrest and death in the The Beginner’s Bible.  We talked about how some people did not like Jesus and that everyone who loved Jesus liked we do was so sad.The children then went to a table to color the 3 crosses and we continued to talk about how God sent Jesus to die on the cross because he loves us so very much.  As the children finished coloring I stapled the crosses to the top of one of the halves of the paper plate.
{LESSON PART 2} Then, we read the second story of our class time which was Jesus' resurrection in the The Beginner’s Bible.  We talked about how God and Jesus knew all along that this was the plan and how we are thankful everyday that Jesus died and rose again!  The children then went to a table to color the angel and Jesus and we put together the rest of the craft by gluing the angel to on top of the tomb and Jesus alive on the inside. You can grab the printables needed to make this craft {here}. 
{CLOSING} To end the class, we then reenacted the story of Jesus' resurrection together using the craft.

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