Saturday, April 4, 2015

Jelly Bean Simple Science Experiment

We LOVE doing simple science experiments and investigations in our house!  This jelly bean simple science experiment was no exception.  We began by eating and sorting our jelly beans by color.  
After the jelly beans were all sorting we filled the cups half way full of water.  Then, Grayson made his predictions about what would happen.  He said that the water would make the jelly beans bigger. (can you tell that we have played with Magic Grow Capsules...schema, baby!)  
We set a timer for 5 minute durations, so we could check and see if the jelly beans changed in the water.  The first 5 minutes we noticed a few "white floating things" and in 10 minutes we noticed that there were "color clouds" at the bottom of each cup.
After 15 minutes, we came back, gave each cup a little swish and were amazed to see the colors were removed from the jelly beans and had colored the water.  So much fun!!!
This experiment is a simple, fun and engaging way to teach little learners about change and the scientific procedure.  You can grab an experiment page {here} to complete together with your kindergarten and first grader learners.  Enjoy!

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