Friday, April 11, 2014

It's Friday Again!

It's Friday again and it's been a busy week...

We were able to enjoy the nice weather this week before G got sick again.  We all had a blast playing outside together!
We started a garden in our backyard last year, and we were able to get some tomatoes and cantaloupes.  This week, we started our garden for the spring by planting some tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, strawberries and herbs .  Grayson and I will be starting carrots and beans from seeds next week, too.  I'm hoping we get more produce this year, but we will have to wait and see!

Grayson is loving watching our caterpillars grow!   He sits and watches them until he gets to see them move, and then he provides commentary about what they are it!  We have been talking about how our caterpillars will be changing into chrysalises soon.  I will post on Monday with a couple caterpillar crafts we did together.   

 Yesterday was NOT a fun day!  I finally had my wisdom teeth pulled out.  I had been told for a long time that I needed to have them removed, and I finally did.  Let the healing process begin...wish me luck!

 Finally, it is Freebie Friday again!  This week I am offering some printables from my Easter Preschool Pack!  Download your freebie below!
 Have a great weekend!


  1. Well, don't you have the cutest blog! I love it. Thanks for the freebies. I am deff passing along your blog to my early childhood teachers.
    Ms. K/1 ELL

    1. Thank you so much for sharing! Your blog is adorable, too!
