Saturday, May 31, 2014

*Five For Friday* Linky Party...On Saturday!

I'm a day late this week, but better late than never...right?!?!  It has been one crazy week around here.  For starters, Grayson had his last week of preschool!  We celebrated by going out for Mexican food for lunch after school on Thursday.  This little man can put away the chips and salsa!  Be sure to look for an editable version of this sign as a freebie as the beginning of the year approaches!

Later that night, we went to the cutest Preschool Graduation Ceremony his school put on.  The kiddos were absolutely adorable!  Grayson loves his preschool and can't wait to go back next year and be in the big 3 year old class!  He is definitely going to miss his sweet teachers, though!  They have been such a blessing to Grayson and are the reason he loves school so much! 

Someone also turned 7 months old this week...SLOW DOWN PLEASE!  Miss Kynlee was a great little model and smiled for her pictures.

I have been busy working this week on creating a unit for our church.  The focus for our summer program this year is "God loves us, so we love each other!"  The program is for 3-5 year olds, so I worked on activities for the babies and toddlers.  I just finished and will be posting this unit to my store soon.  Be sure to check it out!  

This freebie is going to be another Facebook Freebie!  Grayson and I decided to give his teachers a movie themed gift for the end of the year.  We got a gift card to a local theater, popcorn and some candy and I made a sign to thank them for their hard work.  You can download the sign by liking my Facebook page!  Enjoy!

Have a great weekend!

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