Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Let's Go On a Treasure Hunt!

Last Friday, our church had our first Mommy and Me class!  It ended up being a lot of fun and I feel so blessed to be able to teach these sweet babies and their mommies.  We went on a treasure hunt to find what God wants us to treasure most.  We found a few "treasures" along the way, like toys, technology and money.  The big kids did a great job of helping to figure out what our REAL treasure was.  Finally we made it to the treasure and they dug to found it...the Bible!  The kiddos added a Bible to the pirate hats they made at the beginning of the class.  I can't wait until our next class!

This is a great unit to use during a summer preschool or VBS program and even just as a fun family activity!  You can check it out here!

Here are a few pictures of the setup from our Mommy and Me class....

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