Saturday, November 1, 2014

Currently November

I am finally linking up to a Currently post with Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade!  I am super excited...and super behind the bandwagon.  So here goes...


It happened...HGTV is on Netflix and I am HOOKED on Property Brothers!  For those of you that follow my blog, you know that we recently moved into a home that needs some renovating and we doing it ourselves...or at least trying to.  Now, I would do ANYTHING To have Jonathan come to my home and take NOW!!!  I have a feeling Jared is ready for me to stop watching since I'm  constantly...and I mean CONSTANTLY sending him texts and calling him with wonderful ideas I see on the show!


It finally feels like fall in Texas...and I'm loving it!  I am going to enjoy this weather as much as I can because when the high is below 65...I'm done and ready for summer again!  But, for now, I'm loving the boots and sweaters!  Time to go shopping!


The NEVER-ending laundry pile is on my bed and since the sun had set my thoughts gravitate towards whether the laundry will be put away or thrown in a basket so, I can get some shut eye...can you guess where it'll end up?!?!


Thank you Drew and Jonathan...I want and island in my kitchen and since you made the idea of trenching to run plumbing to one in the kitchen that's what I am wanting right now, as well as, the rest of my dream kitchen!  I WANT this yesterday!!!


Today is the deadline for my homework packets and they are not done...close but, not done.  I am actually writing this post to give my brain a break before getting back to'll be done ASAP...I promise!


I just bought Moms Mean Business on Amazon this week and it is perfect for my life right now!  It is tough juggling being a SAHM, WAHM, renovating a house, on top of the day to day tasks of managing a home and relationships.  I came across this book, read the description and bought it...hoping to learn how to be better at balancing it all!


  1. OK ~ so now I can get Netflix and get rid of cable! The only reason I have kept cable was for HGTV, and those Property Brothers! Now to convince my husband!!

    Hope that fall weather is here to stay! It is so nice to get out some new clothes and enjoy it, until I am ready for spring!

    Reading Toward the Stars

    1. We don't have cable and I was beyond THRILLED to see HGTV shows on life is now complete! ;-)

  2. Netflix has HGTV?! Since when!? That dream kitchen is drool-worthy!

    I'm feeling the love of the boots and sweaters too! It's a lot chillier where I am though - under 50 today! And it's only going to get colder! Brrrr!

    Happy November!
    Munchkins Inc.

    1. Under 50...I'm shivering just thinking about it!

  3. Hi Elissa! I too was just thinking about the pile of laundry on my bed! I thought it would be way more fun to post my first Currently instead. Thanks for the reminder to get those clothes put away so I can get to bed! I really love your blog, by the way!!

    Mrs. MeGown’s 2nd Grade Safari

    1. Mine is still sitting on my bed...I guess it's about time to get off the computer and put it away! I just checked out you blog and love it, too! Your kiddos are precious!
