Monday, January 19, 2015

God Made Me Unique Like a Snowflake

We had our Mommy and Me class this past week at our church.  I am so excited to get back into the swing of preparing for and teaching these classes with my little ones.  I decided to try out a new system this month to make it easier on me (as a mom and the teacher) and more hands on for the kiddos.  It went great!  I had a couple moms help me prepare materials for the class, as well as, setup and pretty much everyone stayed to clean after.  I am beyond blessed with the wonderful mommies and babies at our church!  

Circle Time:
To open the class, we met for circle time and sang a few snowflake songs you can find {here} that talk about snowflakes and how God made us unique like snowflakes.
Another mom and I made these snowflake shakers with paper plates, rice and beans, hot glue, ribbon and the snowflake pictures found {here}.  The kiddos were able to shake them while we sang. 
After circle time, the moms took their child around to 4 different activities.  This time of the class was unstructured so the moms could determine how long they played at each of the activities based on their own child.

Craft Table:
At the craft table the children used the white glitter paint to make their own unique snowflakes on the "God Made Me Unique Like a Snowflake" paper.  The paper also states the verse for the lesson, so families can discuss the concept more at home.

Sensory Table #1:
Since we have babies, toddlers and preschoolers there were two different sensory tables.  The first table included homemade play dough, snowflake cookie cutters and various "winter" accents for the children to make their own unique snowflake.  This activity was a hit for the toddlers and preschoolers...although K did enjoy eating her snowflake!

Sensory Table #2:
The table was made with babies in mind, but the older ones enjoyed it, too.  The sensory tub is filled with a variety of "baby friendly" snowflakes (from a local dollar store), ribbon, felt snowflakes, shiny pom-poms, and shiny pipe cleaners (with the ends folded in).
There was also a tub of sensory bottles at this table.  The bottles were created with a different materials to allow for extended play.  I used warm water, glitter glue, glitter, sequins, hair gel, and winter accents (similar to play dough table).  Be sure to hot glue the lid onto the bottle for fun and safe play!  G had a fun time making these bottles with me as we experimented with different combinations...K is still wondering around our house with them.

Snack Table:
Gotta have snack time, right?!?!  This was a fun (and messy) snack for the little ones.  The children dipped 1 large and a few small marshmallows in water, then rolled them in blue glitter.  Next, they used the pretzel sticks to create their own unique snowflake.  Yummy fun!

You can get the songs, signs and other materials I created for the lesson {here}!

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