Friday, March 13, 2015

Five For Friday: Spring Break

It has been WAY TOO LONG since my last Five For Friday post with Doodle Bugs!  But, I am finally here to blog about what we have been up to this week!  Let's share, shall we...
Last weekend, we were able to get away for a quick camping trip and we had a great time.  I have so many wonderful memories of camping with my parents when I was young and I love that my children are able to gain some special memories, as well.  

I am truly a blessed husband LOVES to bake and his is exceptionally good as it, too.  While we were camping my dad celebrated his birthday and my hubby whipped this deliciousness up in our, so yummy!  And, aren't they adorable?!?!

We are finally getting to a point where are playroom is functioning as a homeschool classroom and G is LOVING it!  We work together on fun learning games and he is asking for more.  I am working on getting our learning tubs ready to go, so fun activities and games are always within reach!

Kynlee has always wanted to have a buddy to play with, whether it's her brother or mommy, she was not a huge fan of independent play...well, that has changed over the past couple of weeks.  She is finding toys and playing with them on her own for decent chunks of time and I am loving it!  It is so nice to know that she is learning to entertain I can get a load of laundry done while she plays!

Finally, a sneak peek at next week's posts...  Little man had a great time coloring mixing this week.  I will share more of how I set it up and what he thought on Monday!  


  1. I LOVE the cake that Jared whipped up on the camping trip for your dad. So much fun! When Char gets bigger we will definitely have to try a camping trip. I think that it would be so much fun! It is always so nice once kids are old enough to play with toys by themselves for a few minutes so you can do quick little chores or even sit down for a second. It is kind of a game changer. I am looking forward to your color mixing post! Happy Friday.

    1. Thanks! We have to make an effort to go camping more...G asked every morning this week if we can go camping that night! He sure loves the outdoors!

  2. So glad you linked up with today's Five for Friday because that's how I found your adorable blog! I'm your newest follower!

    Learning at the Teacher Table
