Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Grow in God: Mommy and Me Class

We had our March Mommy and Me class at church this past week and this time I remembered to bring my camera AND take pictures...GO ME!  Here's what we did...

Circle Time:
To open the class, we met for circle time and sang a few songs together.  We began by wiggling our fingers and continued to sing about plants and how their needs relate to what we need to grow in God.  The kiddos enjoyed using the flowers throughout our circle time and we worked together to "plant" a seed and help it grow.  

Sensory Table:
The sensory table was a hit with the kiddos this class!  I created a garden tub by using dry black beans, plastic flowers for the Dollar Tree, planters from Home Depot, and some gardening tools we had in our sand box. 

Craft Table:
There were two craft tables at our Mommy and Me class.  One table was gearing more for the little ones where they created Grow in God sticks with the circles provided and craft sticks.  Then they "planted" the sticks in a pot of black beans. 
The second craft table, for the preschools, allowed them to plant a seed in soil.  They could then take the seed home to water and take care of as they watched it grow into a plant.  This served as a reminder to continue to read their bible and pray everyday to grow in God just as they need to care for their seed.

Snack Table:
Chocolate pudding, Oreos and gummy worms = a yummy snack for our class.  The kiddos used the pudding and Oreo crumbs to create "good soil" (Mark 4:20).  They ate their snack with the adorable flower spoons my wonderful husband helped me make!  So cute...and delicious!

You can get all the resources I created for our Mommy and Me class {here}!  Enjoy!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love these flowers. I bet the kids enjoyed playing this day! I taught preschool for years, so I have a page dedicated to it. http://www.kidscreativechaos.com/p/pre-school-activities_29.html Visiting from KBN.
