Friday, May 16, 2014

*Five for Friday* Our little Garden

Our garden is doing pretty well!  Grayson is a great gardener and loves to see how the tomatoes and strawberries are doing everyday. He waters all the plants and checks the fruit to see if it's ready to be picked.  I am so proud of what he has learned with this garden!

There has been a lot of cleaning eating and Advocare going on in our house lately.  My husband and I are doing the 24 Day Challenge again, and so far it's going well!  I started using Advocare after Grayson was born and have been ever since.  I am hoping to lose all of the baby weight and the challenge has definitely helped me get started.  I CAN do this!!!

I purchased some new clipart on the last TpT Sale.  I came across EduClips and loved all her graphics! Check her store out below!

I am so excited to be working on a new program at our church.  Since I have two little ones, I wanted to see if we could start a Mommy and Me program.  We got the go-ahead and so I will be creating fun songs and activities for this program.  You will be able to find these resources on my TpT Store soon!

Time for a freebie!  You will be able to find this activity and much more in my Summer Preschool Packet that I am working on.  You can get this freebie NOW on my Facebook Page!  Enjoy!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Your little gardener is precious! I also love your photos! Off to check out Educlips now. Thanks!

    Teachers Are Terrific!

  2. I LOVE Educlips! It is seriously my favorite clipart! Thanks for the freebie!
