Friday, May 9, 2014

*Five for Friday* Teacher Appreciation Giveaway and Freebies

My husband is officially 30 years old!  I threw him a "surprise" party last week.  He knew I was going to throw him a party, but wasn't sure when.  So, at least I was able to surprise him a little!  We had a great time celebrating with family and friends.

We learned about the letter Aa this past week!

We got the water table out this week!  Grayson went "fishing" for letters and decided scooping them up was a more fun way to get wet!

 Kynlee loves being outside and she loves to swing even more!  She stares at trees about 85% of the time we are outside playing!

I am having 3 giveaways for Teacher Appreciation Week!  Be sure to enter to win one or all of my summer packets here!

#3 of my Teacher Appreciation Checklist are freebies!  You can get 4 ELA Summer Printables here!  Enjoy!
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for linking up this week at my Teaching Blog Addict's Freebie Friday and offering our follower such a terrific freebie! I am your newest follower!
    Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas!
    Fern Smith's Pinterest Boards!
