Monday, July 21, 2014

Let's Get Trashed!

We celebrated Grayson's 3rd birthday last weekend, and it was pretty crazy!  Planning a birthday party knowing that I was going to be out of town for 3 whole days before the party was a little hectic, but I made it work.  There is a local church that has an amazing playscape for the kiddos and they set up the tables and chairs before you arrive, so all you have to do is come in, decorate, play and take-down!  Problem solved!  I just knew that I had to have everything ready to go and ordered before I left town.

I was planning on giving Grayson 3 choices of party themes for him to choose from and go from there.  Well, if you read my Vegas post, you know that my son is obsessed with garbage trucks.  So, I decided to nix the 3 choices idea, and simply asked him if he wanted a garbage truck birthday party...he was beyond excited about it!  We heard garbage truck party this...garbage truck party that for the next month!  I started working on getting everything ready and even had to make my own garbage truck 'clipart' (I will NEVER make clipart...EVER)!  I think all the decor came together pretty nicely and it was cut and ready-to-go a week before I left for Vegas...woohoo!  

Saturday husband and I got home from the airport at 2:45am.  Need I say more?!?!  We were both exhausted, but Grayson was so excited when he woke up and Mommy was home!  I had been telling him before I left that when Mommy comes back, it will be his party...and he definitely did not forget!  It brought the biggest smile to my face when he came in my room at 7:00am and said "Mommy, you're home!  I missed you, Mommy! Ahh, I love you, Mommy!  Mommy, it my party today?"  Oh, I love that sweet boy!
Everything came together pretty smoothly that morning.  I was so thankful for the help of my mom and mother-in-law who helped get the cupcakes and garbage truck cookies, as well as, helping decorate and clean up!  Family makes everything easier...don't you agree?
Grayson had a great time, and all his friends did, too!  They played, ate, opened a TON of gifts, played some more and then headed home.  We had a great day and I am so thankful with how everything turned out!  Happy birthday, Little Man!


  1. It looks like you guys had so much fun! I am very impressed you did that right after Vegas.. awesome!

    1. We did! It was definitely exhausting, but SO worth it!

  2. Oh my! This was amazing! I love the "Let's get trashed!" tagline! You are a super mom!
