Friday, July 18, 2014

Five for Friday & Top 5 TpT Tips I Learning in Vegas!

I'm linking up with Becky from Teaching, Learning and Loving AND Doodle Bugs Teaching to share the Top 5 TpT Tips I learned in Vegas on Five for Friday!  So, here goes...


Seriously, have you heard of PICASA?!?!  I hadn't until the TpT Conference and I am in LOVE!  It is absolutely amazing!  Not only does it store all your images but you can create collages SO MUCH EASIER than what I was using before!  If you don't have it...GET IT NOW!

Promo/Product/Terms of Use/Credit Page

Some of my products have one, and some of them don't.  I NEED to be better about adding all of the above information to my products, but I never have the time once I finish!  Now I have a one stop shop for ALL the information I need!  Let me know what you think!  I would love any suggestions or advice!

Accelerating Your Store Success

The session that I found most beneficial (although all of them definitely were) was presented by Erin Cobb from I'm Lovin' Lit!  Let me tell you...I am LOVIN' her!  She was so real and gave some amazing tips!  One thing that she shared was the support she has from her husband.  I shared some of what they do with Jared, and (fingers crossed) he said he would love to help me make my store more successful!  It takes a village people!

She also gave some advice on how to update your store banner and other great tips!

Jared's first job...purchase my domain!  I did it...I have a domain!  Isn't it great...
...NOT SO MUCH!  Jared second job...figuring out how to transfer everything to my new domain!

Making Connections!

I met SO MANY wonderful TpT Sellers at the conference, and I have been able to keep in touch with a few through email and Facebook!  I am so EXCITED about this new community of sellers that I now know.  And can't wait to see where our TpT Journey takes us!


  1. I love that your husband is being so supportive and has already fixed your new domain! Hopefully moving over to that URL won't be too difficult. (I literally know nothing about how you would begin to do that, so I'm impressed. lol) I really like your credits page. I've played around with a few designs and haven't made anything that I love completely. I love that yours is all on one page and has your logo on the top!

    Do you list the logos of all designers you buy from so you can use it over and over, or do you only list the logos of graphics you used in that actual project? I've been kind of stuck on that.

    I'm so excited to go to Vegas next summer! So sad to miss this year, because it was obviously amazing. I'm so glad you had so much fun!

    Livin’ the Third Grade Dream

  2. I decided to list all of the clip art and fonts that I use. I am hoping it's okay because I am just to lazy to edit it every time and I'm pulling clipart from all of my files! Haha! I can't wait to meet you at Vegas next year!

  3. Thanks for linking up!! I'd love to hear what you heard from Erin Cobb! Talk to ya soon ;)
