Monday, July 14, 2014

What Happens in Vegas...

...turns into a blog post!

What a weekend!  I had such an amazing time in Vegas this week.  I was a little anxious about leaving my babies and almost packed them up with me and I think Kynlee had the same idea! 
 Thank goodness for Facetime, though! I got to talk to my little man each day and he was not too happy thrilled about taking a break from playing with G.G. to talk to me, too.  Of course, I had to send him a picture of the airport per his request!
Jared was supposed to go with me, but got swamped at work so my friend, Melissa, and I made it a girls trip.  It was just what the doctor ordered for these two mamas!  We had a blast!
We were sure to hit up Carlo's Bakery at the Venetian for a nutritious breakfast, and made sure to rub it in to the men at home.  There is no doubt we looked a little ridiculous as we attacked the most amazing box of pastries I have ever eaten...oh my!  Buddy...please open a bakery in Fort Worth...PLEASE!!!
I wasn't planning on getting the little man something during my trip because his birthday party was this weekend, but Melissa and I stopped in our tracks when we saw a toy garbage truck!  Grayson is OBSESSED and I mean really obsessed with garbage trucks!  If you don't believe me just wait until his birthday party post.  Not only did I find a garbage truck, but it actually WORKS!  My son would not be bothered by playing with a garbage truck that you cannot dump trash into, pack and empty...he's just not having it!  


Now, onto the first TpT conference!  It was absolutely amazing!  I have been behind my computer working solo for 3 years now and was beyond excited to meet teachers that not only have a TpT store, but even some that work from home...AMAZING!  It was just what I needed to feel excited and reenergized about the craziness that is my life!

I met Becky from Teaching, Learning and Loving who is also a stay at home mom!  We met by chance at a session and I am excited to stay in touch and work with her.  We also met Deanna Jump, among other amazing TpT Top Sellers and learned SO MUCH!
The fire has been set and I am ready to stay in touch with some new friends and SUPERCHARGE my SELLER SUCCESS!  Looking forward to next year! 

Don't forget to enter my Pirate Preschool Pack ends tomorrow!


  1. Oh my goodness- your little girl is so precious! And I do NOT remember seeing that bakery

  2. Thanks...I think so, too! My friend knew it was there so we looked for it our first night!

  3. It was an absolutely amazing trip and I can't believe all of the people I met and things that I learned while I was there! I bet you missed your babies a ton, but it is always nice to get away for a little mommy time!

    1. It was definitely nice to have some time away! I am already looking forward to the next conference!

  4. Great pics! Vegas really was a blast!
    First Grade Blue SKies

    1. Thanks! It was amazing! Wish I was able to meet you...maybe next year! ;-)

  5. Those pastries look amazing! Were you as tired as I am after you got home?

    Krazy Town

    1. Oh YES! I got home at 2:30am on Saturday and my son's birthday party was that morning...I am still recovering! Haha!

  6. Such fun! OMG I can't believe you had a kids party right after getting home. Ouch! You get a Super Mom Badge for that!! Thanks for linking up...hope to meet you in Vegas next year!
    A Burst of First

    1. You're too sweet! I was definitely a mess that morning (especially since my husband decided to accept a showing for our house that morning, too). I love that man, but sheesh!

  7. Vegas was so much fun! You are definitely a Super Mom for coming home and throwing an incredible party. I saw the pictures and it looked like a blast. Maybe we will meet in Vegas next year. :)

    Heather's Heart
