Friday, April 25, 2014

*Five for Friday* Playing Catch Up

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 This week has gone by so quickly and I think I've added more to my To-Do List than checking items off.  Ugh...I'm sure y'all have been there before, too!  I've been working hard on updating some products and with two little ones, it is a challenge to get it all done.  I was so excited to read this article about WAHM's this week!   I feel beyond blessed that teachers, and now moms of preschoolers, enjoy what I create enough to give me the opportunity to stay home with my babies.  I try to work only when the kiddos are sleeping, so when naps aren't great I don't get a lot done.  My to-do's can go unchecked because my babies won't be babies much longer!  That being said...I will be moving my giveaways and other posts I had planned to next week.  I can't wait to share what I've been working on (during short naps and at 2am)!
Bluebonnet time!  For those of you in Texas, you know that April is when your social media feed is blown up with bluebonnet pictures.  Well, here are a couple more...
Today is a bittersweet day, my sweet baby girl is 6 months today!  How did this happen so soon?!?!

We set our butterflies free yesterday!  Grayson loved watching his butterflies fly away, and I can't wait to share more on my Metamorphosis with a Preschooler blog post next week. I loved doing this activity with Grayson and so did he!

I decided to give y'all the to-do I use for Freebie Friday.  I created an editable form that I input my blog posts and projects for each week.  It is easy to change, print and post on my fridge.  This form also works great for shopping lists, honey-do lists, etc.  You can use it as a 1 or 2 column chart.  I hope you find this helpful!

Have a great weekend!

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