Saturday, April 26, 2014

Under the Sea Activities...

I am SO excited to share what I have been working on this week!  If you follow my blog and store you know that I have been revamping some of my old products.  My goal is to make my elementary units more teacher friendly and easier to use.  I just finished revising my Under the Sea Literacy, Math and Science Activities and I LOVE it!  Check it out below...
Here are some of the science activities included...
and literacy centers included...
and math centers included...   
I am looking for a teacher to review this unit for me, so I am offering this in a giveaway.  Enter to win below...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I will announce the winner next Saturday, May 3!  Have a great weekend! 

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Can't wait to see who wins. *fingers crossed*
